Explore your desires and deepen your self-understanding.

A free, five-day email course designed to help you connect with the inner signals guiding you toward self-discovery and growth.

Are you ready to explore your desires toward deeper self-understanding?

In this free, five-day course, desire refers to those inner states and signals that guide us toward fulfilling something deeply meaningful—the longings that inspire personal growth, creativity, and self-expression.

Desires shape our lives and choices, but how often do we pause to truly understand them?
What might our desires reveal about who we are and what we value?
And what might unfold as we deepen our understanding?

With desire as the portal, this course will help you learn how to deepen contact with all that truly matters to you and get to know yourself more fully in the process. All you need is an email address, a little time, and a dose of ongoing curiosity.

So, are you ready?


Since you’re here, I’ll assume you’re someone curious about your deepest desires and your relationship with them. 

  • You may have some desires that feel clear and achievable, while others feel impossible or even inappropriate.

  • Your desires likely span many aspects of your life—from health to relationships, to work, and personal growth. You know that your desires shape what matters and is meaningful to you, and how you attempt to prioritize your time, energy, and attention.

  • You also sense that having a mostly unconscious relationship with your desires isn’t working. 

If any of that sounds familiar, then you’re in the right place

This course is all about cultivating a more curious relationship with your desires.

While I can’t promise that your desires will be magically transformed at the end of the five days, I can promise something about your relationship to your desires—and yourself—will feel fresh and new. And that is no small thing!

Perhaps you even notice a gentle tug of desire to say “yes” to this course? 

If so, trust that curious instinct…this course is just five days long, it’s free, and I know you’ll be glad you did. 


Hello there! 👋

I’m Stephen: a curious, big-hearted, dachshund-loving, personal coach living in New York City and hailing from a tiny British island called Guernsey. 🇬🇬

I’m also fascinated by desire and how it shapes the unfolding of our lives.

Following my desires has led me on many wonderful adventures in life, yet navigating them has often felt like a tangled knot of purpose, joy, fear, and struggle.

We all have patterns in how we respond to our desires: ignoring them, doubting them, obsessing over them, or feeling stuck about which ones to honor. Most of us do a mix of all the above.

Yet, rarely do we slow down enough to get to know our desires better—to better understand what they might teach us about ourselves. 

That is exactly why I put this course together: to have you get a little more curious about your relationship with your desires and yourself.

As you explore your desires, you’re not only uncovering what matters to you but also meeting the many parts of yourself that are eager to be better understood. With greater self-understanding, you can untangle what matters most to you and navigate your life with more flexibility and ease.

Me and my dog Finley. Can figure out who is who? 😂


I’ve designed this course to be fun, informative, and interactive!

Over five days, you’ll explore desire through daily emails that include:

  • Informative ideas to shift your perspective.

  • Guided practices to help you sense, clarify, and express your desires.

  • Journal prompts to support deeper reflection.

This is all a gentle invitation into a different way of being with yourself—one where there’s nothing to do or get right. Instead, we’ll simply slow down, linger a little, and encourage being open to what you learn.

The five-days cover:

  1. Sensing desires: Connecting with the many desires within you.

  2. Clarifying desires: Learning to clarify and distinguish different types of desires.

  3. Welcoming concerns: Exploring fears and concerns with curiosity.

  4. Exploring expression: Taking balanced and thoughtful action.

  5. Creating space: Building ongoing curiosity and self-awareness.

You’ll also receive web-based versions of each day’s content for ongoing access at your own pace.

I respect how busy you already feel, and know the last thing needed is another laborious task to add to the to-do list. Any amount of inward focus on your desires will serve their continued unfolding, and support you toward deeper self-understanding and integration.

If you feel dread at the thought of starting, it might signal a deeper desire to do less right now. You might even honor that by giving yourself permission to return to this course when you're ready.

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