Embrace your inner ability to navigate the complexity of life, work, and everything in between
with authenticity and ease

What is waiting to be revealed?

If you’re here, you might be at a point in your life where you’re at a major crossroads. Perhaps you sense a new desire awakening inside of you, and you feel unsure of how best to proceed. Or you feel stuck at work despite all the books and advice you’ve been receiving.

Growth and self-discovery are a gorgeous, natural part of life, yet we lack formal education, support, and practice in understanding ourselves and knowing how to move forward with thoughtful assertiveness.

We often ignore our own intuitions out of fear, living in a state of self-denial. Or we look to quickly “fix” ourselves via self-improvement, and find ourselves quickly slipping back into old habits.

Whether avoiding our truth or struggling to grow effectively, we often end up feeling isolated, defeated, and exhausted by these inner worlds of tensions and self-criticism.

This is where coaching is a perfect solution 🕺🤸‍♀️
You will learn new ways of relating to and understanding yourself. Through this new knowledge and practice, you will deepen your self-understanding, tap into your innate resources, and notice your growth begin to unfurl naturally.

What if you already have everything you need?

Hi, I’m Stephen Tracy!
I’m a trained coach who will help you embrace your full potential.

Are you looking for a guide in exploring your personal development? Are you facing work challenges that feel insurmountable? Are you wondering how to navigate your life with holistic coherence? Are you feeling stuck between desire and fear? If so, I would love to support you.

Like a seed that grows into a mighty tree or a dazzling flower, humans possess an untapped potential that is (often) beyond our comprehension. Like all of nature, we also require the right internal and external conditions to bring forth this spontaneous unfolding. Unfortunately, modern culture and our childhood experiences create habitual ways of responding to life. These can leave us stuck in place, frustrated, and doubting our own capacity.

As your coach, we will practice new ways of being and self-relating that will help you (re)discover all the resources you possess, all while deeply relating to the concerns holding you back. Like a tree or flower, once the conditions are right, you too will begin to bloom effortlessly 🌳🌷

My trusty sidekick: Finley

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?”

— Marianne Williamson

What might it look like to work together?

Easter Egg: Spot the unexpected dog! 🐶

Coaching Areas

Based on my experience, below I’ve captured some of the areas of growth I enjoy coaching.
The common thread: complex life moments when a new sense of self is emerging; you feel stuck at this crossroads—perhaps due to fear or overwhelm—and would appreciate a deeply supportive presence to stand alongside you as you move forward.

Business + Leadership Growth (Founders/CEOs)


Are you struggling to find joy in running your business? Are you feeling isolated and overwhelmed by decisions and responsibilities?

I will coach you to skillfully move through the complexity of running a business and discover how to embrace your position of responsibility.

I relate deeply to this experience having founded and built a small business (KeapBK.com) from the seed of an idea to a profitable company, as well as having worked as the trusted advisor to senior corporate executives.

Major Career Decisions


Are you considering retirement, going back to school, or a sabbatical from a career? Or perhaps you are are thinking of leaving a corporate job to follow your dream?

I will coach you to navigate the complexity of making a major career decision taking into account the competing needs for stability vs passion and adventure.

I bring my own experience of leaving Google to start a business, leaving my business to pursue my next career chapter, and pursuing non-linear academic studies.

Major Life Decisions


Are you considering a decision that might alter the path of your life? Are you considering coming out as LGBTQ+? Are you afraid of how others will receive your truth?

I will coach you to untangle your needs from your concerns, and to find a path forward that takes you and others into account in a holistic and respectful manner.

I can relate deeply to this experience as someone who came out as gay, moved overseas, and continues to practice daily self-reflection and needs-based communication in my personal and professional life.

What Does Coaching Look Like?

Much like life itself, coaching is best understood through experiencing it directly, so book a free intro call if you’re curious!
You might still be wondering what coaching conversations actually look like if you’ve never experienced working with a coach.

Our conversations will tend to last an hour, during which we’ll focus on the goal we’ve identified and the impediments that are arising as you seek to move towards it. We’ll help alleviate these hurdles by nurturing an unfolding relationship with yourself that will help you access your innate creativity and resourcefulness to meet the problems you’re facing.

In between sessions, we will identify specific practices that you can experiment with so that each time we meet you come back with more self-understanding and awareness for us to work with.

Ultimately you are learning how to navigate your growth and the ongoing complexity of life from a place of acceptance and ease.

Identity Exploration +

We’ll use guided conversations to relate to your sense of self, and the specific aspects of your identity that are activated at your current crossroads.

Body-based Practice
+ Breathwork

We’ll explore the felt sensations and meanings arising in your body, and practice simple ways to invite presence and safety into your body.

Embodying +
Integrating Experiments

We’ll experiment with small shifts you can make in your daily life. These changes will help create lasting change, and offer chances for deeper self-understanding.

The Journey

One day you finally knew
What you had to do, and began,
Though the voices around you
Kept shouting
Their bad advice‚
Though the whole house
Began to tremble
And you felt the old tug
At your ankles.
“Mend my life!”
Each voice cried.
But you didn’t stop.
You knew what you had to do,
Though the wind pried
With its stiff fingers
At the very foundations‚
Though their melancholy
Was terrible.
It was already late
Enough, and a wild night,
And the road full of fallen
Branches and stones.
But little by little,
As you left their voices behind,
The stars began to burn
Through the sheets of clouds,
And there was a new voice,
Which you slowly
Recognized as your own,
That kept you company
As you strode deeper and deeper
Into the world,
Determined to do
The only thing you could do‚
Determined to save
The only life you could save.

— by Mary Oliver

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